X-Men Apocalypse

This is Bryan Singer’s 4th X-men picture. He directed the original X-Men, then X-men 2 and then he took a break from the franchise for several years and returned to it with X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2014.

‘Apocalypse’ is delivered in the style we have come to expect from Singer, and Jennifer Lawrence is great as Mystique, before she got a great big chip on her shoulder. I enjoyed getting some more of the back story on Magneto, and watching Michael Fassbender turn from Eric into the villain we all know and love.

If you’re an X-Men fan, it is a must-see, bridging the gap between the way we originally saw the X-Men in 2000, and their younger selves – particularly Charles Xavier. You can literally see James McAvoy morph into Patrick Stewart!!

Fans will not be disappointed.
