
Director Joe Wright has missed the mark completely with this dazzling prequel to J.M. Barrie’s beloved Peter Pan.

Hugh Jackman is enjoyable as the hateful pirate Blackbeard, and though Rooney Mara seems like a strange choice to play Tiger Lily, she pulls it off. Garret Hedlund, however, was very poorly cast and is a disaster as Hook – played as a thoroughly annoying Indiana Jones.

Thankfully, Levi Miller shone as the young, orphaned Peter, prophesied to become “the boy who could fly.” But even he could not save Neverland with a script this disappointing.

The phenomenal colours, special effects and CGI are breathtaking but they come at you like an assault, squeezed into the last minutes of an unnecessarily drawn-out and ultimately incomplete story.

Pan gets a very generous 5/10