Money Monster

Starring George Clooney as TV host Lee Gates and Julia Roberts as his long-suffering producer, Patty who actually hates his living guts, and has in fact resigned from his obnoxious financial TV show, “Money Monster.”

George Clooney does arrogant and obnoxious annoyingly well, and has incurred the wrath of a hapless and desperate young man who lost every cent he had, investing in stock that Gates had touted. However, a “computer glitch” supposedly wiped the company out.

But there is obviously more to the story, so he makes an explosive vest for Gates and, with a gun to his head, demands answers which the duo then set about finding.

The script was fairly well thought out, but a little predictable, and I just didn’t think that it was either Clooney’s or Roberts’ best work.

Enjoyable, and still the Reel Queen’s “pick of the week,” but keep your expectations in check.
