Jake Gyllenhall is Davis, a brilliant investment banker, working in his father-in-law’s firm, whose wife is killed in a car crash… Shortly after her death, he tries to buy some peanut M&M’s from the hospital vending machine, but they get stuck.
So, at her funeral, he sits down and writes a very calm, but heartfelt letter to the vending machine company, which goes unanswered, so he writes another one, and another one and it seems to be a very cathartic process for him… Eventually the customer service rep from the company, played by Naomi Watts, is so curious about him that she starts to stalk him. And eventually they become friends, and he befriends her son…
But, it’s really quite disturbing to watch his descent through his unresolved grief, because he’s not sure that he actually loved his wife or knew who she really was… And the advice his father-in-law, Chris Cooper, gives him about “taking it all apart to put it back together” is taken very literally as he deconstructs his appliances and then his house!
This is not a Friday night flick; it’s quite a strange movie – I can’t say that I enjoyed it – although I thought Jake Gyllenhall’s performance was very good.
I’m not recommending it, and it’s getting a 6/10.