A Perfect Day

Academy Award winners Benicio del Toro & Tim Robbins star in this “Day in the Life” story of a group of international aid workers in Serbia in the mid-nineties, trying to help the people, dealing with the bureaucracy of the United Nations and the local law enforcement.

Essentially, the team are trying to lift a hefty corpse out of a well in a small village, but their rope snaps, so they need a new rope. And they spend an entire day and night trying to avoid landmines and obtain a rope and get it back to the well… The story seems to move really slowly, which may really frustrate some people, but it’s deliberate. It really gives you a sense of the daily battles in a war-torn area, in a 24-hour period.

You really get the sense that they are permanently pushing a rock up a hill only to hit a snag and watch the damn thing roll back down again. And again, and again. They are just constantly fighting an uphill battle, no matter how hard they try to do the right thing.

It is a very sharp, very entertaining script, which had me chuckling all the way through.

This film may not be everyone’s idea of a good time, but give it a go! I’m giving it a 6.5/10