Michael Bay’s new blockbuster follows a group of ex-special forces guys, tasked with protecting a classified CIA outpost in Libya in 2012, after the embassy had been closed down. There was an intel office and American personnel that still needed watching over and these men formed the team that provided that service.
On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a mob of Libyans stormed the gates of the state compound where US ambassador, Chris Stevens, was holed up with just his protetctive detail. The place was overrun and they could no longer protect themselves or the ambassador and called for help.
It was a bureaucratic nightmare, and the team broke ranks to wade in and get their compatriots out… Very suspenseful film-making from Michael Bay and such deeply human moments from the actors playing these self-less heroes, some of whom did not make it home.
Highly recommended! 8/10